The importance to identify the key value drivers

Advisory, Corporate Finance, Capital Markets, Equity e Debt Research.

Value Track at a glance

Value Track is an independent Advisory firm with solid professional skills gained over years of activity in the Capital Markets and Corporate Finance fields.

When is VALUE TRACK needed?

Whenever it’s necessary advisory regarding:

Mergers & Acquisitions deals Other Extraordinary Corporate Finance deals Financial Markets analysis


Reliability and Competence Independence and Absence of Conflicts of Interest Commitment and Compliance with Deadlines

Last equity & credit research

Casta Diva Group

1H24 top line on tracks with FY targets

Flash Note |

TPS Group

TPS GROUP | Podcast | Test

Flash Note |


Value Track provides a wide range of services aimed at supporting the growth of its clients:

Valuation assessments

Equity / Credit research, Fairness Opinions

Financial analysis and planning

Business Plans, Benchmarking

Investor relations advisory

Planning and Execution

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